Who Else Wants To Know What Girls Look For In A Guy?


A friend of mine told me this story: she was taking dancing classes, and a really friendly guy had been giving her lots of attention for a couple of sessions. He was the classic “nice” guy: always agreeing, apologizing and trying to please her. He was bumbling and wore oversized clothes. One day, a friend took her aside and said: “Hey, why are you not going for that guy? Look at him, he’s all into you.”

She answered: “Yes – but come on, he’s not a man! ” Darwinian, huh? Now, when guys ask me “What do women find attractive” in a man, I always remember this story, and one of my first answers is: confidence and assertiveness.

Females love males

Remember this: women, often drawn to masculine traits, are attracted to qualities that exude strength and confidence. The more of these qualities they sense in a man, the harder they’ll find it to resist. Isn’t it the same for you with very feminine women?

Well, my friend certainly didn’t find the dancing teddy bear attractive. Cuddly and nice, yes, but panty-wetting hot? Nope. Why? A couple of things she told me:


– He apologized all the time.
– He had no opinion of his own
– He had no sex appeal
– He couldn’t make her laugh
– He was too “nice”

Ouch. The last one especially hurts, because once you’re in that category, your sex life is done. Grow some balls to resurrect it.

Get your life together

The typical “nice guy” rarely has his life figured out or under full control. If you find yourself guilty of anything listed above, I want you to take action now. Get your pencil out and make a list of goals and deadlines. An example:

– No more apologizing – check daily
– Do 10 push-ups per day – check daily
– Talk to 5 girls per day – by Friday
– Tease one girl a day – check daily
– Make conscious decisions and follow through – review achievements on Sunday

Now go and do it. The mere fact that you’re taking control of your life that way, and tracking your progress, will make you more attractive. You’ll have a sense of purpose, and girls will notice.

Be less “nice”

Look, this doesn’t mean “become an abusive jerk”. But look at the men in Frank Miller’s “Sin City”. The are pure males – full of testosterone, badass, tough, mean. But they have their values straight. They will do anything to protect the women in the story and defend their honor, because they believe in justice. That’s part of being an alpha male.

Of course, a woman wants you to treat her nicely. But she also wants you to stand up for what you believe is right, towards others as much as towards her. She wants a guy who won’t let people walk all over him, who won’t freely throw his services at anyone for a bit of affection.

Again, grow a pair of balls. Be fair towards others, but be fair towards yourself first. Learn to assert yourself, and say “no” once in a while.

Make her laugh

The cuddly teddy bear was never really funny. He sure tried: he giggled insecurely at his clumsiness, and he abidingly laughed when my friend made a funny or challenging comment. She once stepped on his foot, apologized and he came back with an incredibly witty remark:

“Ha-ha! Don’t worry. No pain, no gain, right? Ha-ha!”

And then he laughed a bit more at his own witty repartée. WRONG, TEDDY BEAR. It would have helped him to realize he’s worth a damn. If your attitude is more challenging and arrogant in a playful way, you’ll come up with something like:

“Hey, no problem. I have a great chiropractor, so by all means, dropkick me next and jump around on my spine when I’m down.”

Roll your eyes and say “jeez”, then give her a boyish grin, and you’re well on your way. And lastly, while self-improvement is crucial, there’s value in understanding what a man wants in a woman and vice versa. By gaining insights from both perspectives, you can develop a more well-rounded approach to relationships and personal growth.

1. What do girls look for?

Some qualities that are generally considered attractive in a guy include confidence, a sense of humor, intelligence, and a good work ethic. Being a good listener and being considerate are also usually viewed favorably. Additionally, many girls appreciate a guy who is comfortable in his own skin and who is comfortable taking charge in a situation.

2. What are the most important qualities that girls look for in a guy?

Some qualities that are often cited as being important to girls include a guy’s sense of humor, intelligence, ambition, and physical attractiveness. A guy who is able to make a girl laugh and feel comfortable in his company is likely to be more successful in the dating game than one who is not.

3. What do girls find attractive?

Some common things that girls tend to find attractive in guys include confidence, a sense of humor, and being a good listener. Additionally, many girls are attracted to guys who are physically fit and have an athletic build. Another quality that can be attractive to some girls is if a guy is ambitious and has clear goals and ambitions in life.

4. What do girls want in a guy?

Some girls might want a guy who is tall and muscular, while others might prefer a guy who is smart and funny. Some girls might want a guy who is outgoing and adventurous, while others might prefer a guy who is more laid-back and relaxed. Ultimately, it really depends on the individual girl and what she is looking for in a relationship.

5. What do girls like in a partner?

This is a question that has been asked by many men, and it is one that does not have a simple answer. Every girl is different, and what one girl may find attractive in a guy, another girl may not. However, there are some general things that most girls tend to look for in a guy.

One of the most important things that girls like in a guy is confidence.

6. What do girls think is important in a guy?

Some girls might value things like intelligence, humor, or ambition, while others might prefer someone who is more athletic or good-looking. Ultimately, it depends on what the individual girl is looking for in a relationship.

7. What do girls think is the most important quality in a man?

Some qualities that are commonly considered important by many girls include: being honest, being respectful, being considerate, being a good listener, being reliable, being supportive, and having a good sense of humor. Additionally, it is important for a guy to be comfortable in himself and to have a strong sense of self-confidence, as this can be very attractive to many girls.

8. What do girls think is the most attractive quality in a guy?

Some qualities that are commonly considered attractive in men include confidence, sense of humor, intelligence, and passion. Being a good listener and being genuine are also attractive qualities. Physical attributes such as height, muscular build, and having a symmetrical face can also be considered attractive.

9. What do girls think is the most important thing to look for?

Some common things that girls tend to look for in a guy include confidence, a sense of humor, intelligence, and someone who is assertive but not aggressive. Additionally, it is important for a guy to be respectful towards women and to have a strong moral character. Girls also tend to appreciate guys who are ambitious and have a clear sense of direction in life.

10. What do girls think is the most important factor in choosing a guy?

There is no definitive answer to this question since every girl is different and therefore has different priorities when it comes to choosing a guy. However, some factors that might be important to many girls include a guy’s sense of humor, his intelligence, his level of maturity, his physical attractiveness, and his ability to make her feel special and loved. Ultimately, it is up to each individual girl to decide what she values most in a guy and what she is looking for in a relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions
What do girls look for in a guy on dating sites?

Not overtly sexual, correct spelling and grammar, communicative and obviously someone I personally find attractive.

What do girls look for in a guy?

Originality. Something this post is lacking.

A girls women what do you look for in a guy?

I'm sure I've posted my list before, but here it is again in condensed form:

1. Intelligence, definitely number 1 trait

2. Personality, funny, witty

3. Looks is third. I know what traits I don't like but everything else is up in the air. The more I know a guy and like his intelligence and personality, the more attractive he is overall.

Girls of reddit what type of body do you look for in a guy?

Check out the username, ladies and gents.

What do 20 year old girls in sg look for in a guy?

You must have good personality!