The book Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo has changed the way guys think about women and is currently one of the most recommended books on dating. While it’s a popular choice, there are other methods like His Secret Obsession that offer unique perspectives on understanding women. In my opinion, exploring various resources is the best way for a guy to start improving with women and can often be all that’s needed to completely change a man’s dating life around.
The secret that makes Double Your Dating different from all the other books out there is the author himself, David DeAngelo.
What makes Double Your Dating Special
The thing is, David DeAngelo is just a smart, educated regular guy. A regular guy that for the longest time, like so many others, wasn’t getting the type of success with women that he wanted.
Several years ago, he made a decision to get this part of life handled. He set out to do whatever it took to learn how to attract and date the women he wanted. So he read everything there was to read on women, went to countless seminars and found that none of it was really good. He talked to women but they just told him he wanted a “nice guy”, something that he later found out wasn’t quite the truth. So instead, he talked, examined and hung around guys that are naturally very good with women… and that’s when it got interesting.
Hanging out with these naturals, figuring out exactly what worked (most of them didn’t even know themselves) and what didn’t allowed him to invent a system that attracts beautiful women regardless of money or looks. This approach is similar to The Obsession Method, which also focuses on understanding and leveraging natural attraction principles. Soon enough, David was attracting more women than he could handle and getting the type of success that he always wanted.
Once he was getting the success he wanted, he started sharing his techniques with his friends and THEY started having success as well. That’s when they told him he REALLY needed to write a book about all this stuff, so other guys could benefit from it as well. That’s how Double Your Dating was born.
My first impressions:
While reading the book for the first time, I couldn’t stop thinking: “Oh that’s why she did that!” and “That’s why it didn’t work! I can’t believe I did that!” Going through David DeAngelo’s Double Your Dating was like having a light turn on in my head. Everything regarding women just seemed to make sense after.. I just got it. Honestly, I can’t tell you how many “Ah Ha!” moments I had while going through the program.
David DeAngelo’s skill as an author and teacher is that he has a way of making complicated things like attraction and the female way of thinking into simple, easy to understand concepts and that’s why this program has been so successful.
The down side to this book is that after reading it, you’ll want to apply all the techniques at once! I personally recommend slowly implementing concepts in the book into your every day life so it becomes a natural part of you.
I learned:
– Exactly how to create attraction in women without relying on looks,
– How to avoid getting into the friends zone,
– What to say when I really liked a girl,
– Why girls chase some guys, and play hard to get with others,
– Why a girl might be interested one second, and then lose attraction the next… and how to turn that around.
Those are just some of the things that you learn when reading it, but in reality there’s just so much more. Now when I’m standing in line at the grocery store and I see a beautiful woman, I know exactly what to say and do to get her laughing and giving me her number. However, for those who prefer a more structured approach to meeting potential partners, online platforms like eHarmony offer a different avenue for connecting with compatible matches.
This is just one of those books that will have you reading until 3am even though you usually never read any books. That’s partly because it’s not a book and it’s more answers to questions that you’ve been asking yourself all your life.
For instance, if I said: “I can tell you exactly why this girl didn’t fall in love with you, the answer on page 64.” Would you read it? I sure would. I want to know! And then it says: “Ok, well if you WANT to make this girl fall in love with you, then read page 65-69”. I’d continue reading for sure! This book is addictive.
That’s the reason that I stayed up all night reading this book the first time I got it, just because I couldn’t stop anywhere without wanting to read the next page.
The best part is that the book isn’t something you have to study, memorize or practice, you can just go out and use all of this stuff right away. I can’t recommend Double Your Dating enough to any guy that’s trying to improve with women.
I give you my word that it’s really THAT good.